Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Areas of day-to-day life where South Korea is a model for others countries

1. South Korea has the best public restroom system in the world. Every building must have a restroom open to the public on the 1st floor. People can even go to the restroom inside a restaurant or a bar even if they are not consuming.

2. The cost of a meal in a regular South Korean restaurant must be the lowest among OECD countries. You can have a normal lunch at any restaurant for about 5 or 6 dollars US. On the other hand,  South Korea must have the highest coffee/meal price ratio in the world since the price of a cup of coffee at the nearby Starbucks is about half the price of a normal lunch...

3.  Home delivery service is the best in the world. You can order almost anything from home by phone. Food will be delivered within 30 minutes, grocery products from a local supermarket within 2 or 3 hours, same day sports massage services, same day cleaning maid service, same day computer repair service via internet remote control system, same day phone repair service, just to name a few.

4. Seoul has the best night life environment among OECD countries. You have tons of restaurants open 24/7, bars, night clubs open late at night, and even a huge chain of supermarket open 24/7.

5.  Koreans are known to be impetuous and use the word "Palli", meaning "quickly", a lot while they are asking something. If a waiter does not show to get their order within 10 seconds after getting seated in a restaurant, they will start calling at him. But this aspect, uncivilized aspect indeed, has many positive impact in the day-to-day life of the citizens. The work speed of employees at any bank or local administrative office is the speed of light compared to the take-it-easy attitude of their counterparts in the US or France.

6. Korea has the best broadband internet infrastructure in the world with the world highest percentage of  households connected. It has also the best e-government system on the internet where you can download or consult a great variety of official documents without having to go to different administrative offices.

7. Korea is the only Asian country using metal. Yes that is amazing. Every other Asian countries use environmentally harmful wood chopsticks but South Korea is using reusable, washable metal chopsticks. Metal chopsticks are obviously heavier than wood chopsticks and this fact may explain wht South Koreans are so good in activities involving fingers and hands line golf, violin, ping pong, just ot name a few. Metal chopsticks handling has beeen an art since childhood.

8. In every public place, you will be able to find a water fountain with paper cups  and also hand sanitizer lotion.

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