Sunday, December 28, 2014

The movie "The Interview" 영화 더 인터뷰

HMK's diary: Thursday December 26, 2014

Yesterday we watched at home the widely publicized and controversial movie "The Interview". Basically it is a gross satirical comedy of the North Korean regime and its god-like dictator Kim Jong un.
I understand why it could not be tolerated by the North Korean leadership since the movie makes a joke of its regime focused only to please the Supreme Leader who eventually dies at the end. A movie picturing the comic death of a standing dictator is indeed out of the ordinary and might have provoked his rage.
But the real significance of the movie lies in the fact that it depicts, although in a satirical way, the desperate situation of this starving communist country to the world wide audience, at an unprecedented scale, through the massive and instant distribution of the movie through the Internet. No news reports or documentaries could ever compete against the power of a movie as a medium to reach the ordinary folks in the streets, especially after weeks of such a free publicity involving the hacking of Sony Pictures network.
May this movie may contribute, in its own small way, to the internal collapse of the North Korean dictatorship and the reunification of the two Koreas. It might give some ideas to the opposing force inside the regime...if it manages to see the movie.

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