Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Facts that will scare the shit out of you (Part 2)

Facts that will scare the shit out of you (Part 2)

The following facts come from a book called "1,001 facts that will scare the shit out of you".
This is a book of scary facts, and the more you read, the more afraid you are likely to be. But if forewarned is forearmed, then the more you know, the safer you'll feel, even if it's a false sense of security since you can't do a thing about most of what you read here. But who cares, as long as you feel better?

FACT: Most wines are made from grapes harvested by machines that scythe through everything in their path, including sticks, insects, rodents, and even larger m:ammals, which can make their way into the end product. This is known to wine growers as MOG, or "material other than grapes."

FACT: Peaches, apples, nectarines, and strawberries are among the top 6 "dirtiest" foods, according to investigations by the Environmental Working Group. More than 90 percent of samples of these fruits tested positive for detectable pesticides, even after rinsed or peeled.

FACT: The well-known poison arsenic is approved by the FDA as an additive to poultry feed and given to at least 70 percent of chickens raised for consumption in the USA. Arsenic has been linked to cancer, birth defect, diabetes, and death.

FACT: Though banned by all the European nations and Canada, the synthetic hormone rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) is still used American dairy farmers to boost growth rates and increase body mass of cows, despite being linked to the higher risks of breast cancer and hormonal disorders in humans who consume milk from those cows.

FACT: Six-year-old Bennett Christiansen made headlines in 2008 when he was approved for his first credit card. Bank of America gave Christiansen a $600 credit limit even after he gave his actual birth date and listed his income truthfully as "$0" on the card application.

FACT: A man nearly died at an airport security checkpoint in Nuremberg in 2007 after drinking a full liter of vodka rather than surrendering it before taking his flight. The man became severely impaired and had to be taken to a hospital and treated for alcohol poisoning.

FACT: In 2007 a British climber reached the summit of Mt. Everest, but ran out of air during his descent. As many as forty climbers passed the dying man, unwilling to risk using up their own oxygen to help kim.

to be continued......

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