Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Law of the Garbage Truck

David J. Pollay, author of The Law of the Garbage Truck, states that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointments. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump it. And if you let them, they’ll dump it on you. So when someone wants to dump on you, don’t take it personally. It does not have anything to do with you. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. If somebody dumps a load on you, don’t be upset. Don’t be angry. Don’t be offended. If you make that mistake, you’ll end up carrying their loads around and eventually you’ll dump them on somebody else.
In other words, never allow others to steal your joy. Everybody has every right to have an opinion, and you have every right to ignore it. You don’t have to respond to every critic. You don’t have to prove yourself to them. Just stay on the high road and let God fight your battles for you. You have to accept the fact that no matter what you do, some people will never be at peace with you.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Real Estate or Royal Estate?

The following is an excerpt from Wikipedia concerning the term "Real Estate":

Some people have claimed that the word 'real' in "real estate" is descended (like French 'royal' and Spanish 'real') from the Latin word for 'king'.

In the feudal system (which has left many traces in the common law) the king was the owner of all land, and everyone who occupied land paid him rent directly or indirectly (through lords who in turn paid the king), in cash, goods, or services (including military service).

Property tax, paid to the state, can be seen as a relic of that system. Some say this derivation is a misconception; but that is countered by evidence that the earliest meaning of 'real' in English included "Of, relating to, or characteristic of a monarch, royalty, or (by extension) the nobility, esp. with regard to power, wealth, or dignity; (also) befitting a monarch."

When you think about it, the sum of all the taxes (property tax, real estate tax, etc...) you pay for the real estate you own during 30 years may be equal or greater than the official value of that real estate. So in other words, the state or the government is still the eternal co-owner of all real estateof the country. The King is dead but Long Live the State!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Facts that will scare the shit out of you (Part 3)

Facts that will scare the shit out of you (Part 3)

The following facts come from a book called "1,001 facts that will scare the shit out of you".
This is a book of scary facts, and the more you read, the more afraid you are likely to be. But if forewarned is forearmed, then the more you know, the safer you'll feel, even if it's a false sense of security since you can't do a thing about most of what you read here. But who cares, as long as you feel better?
Besides you will get a somewhat different perspective of life.
FACT: Multimillionaire David Pizer has arranged to freeze his body in liquid nitrogen when he dies in hopes of being brought back to life someday.
   Cryonics (from Greek kryos- meaning icy cold) is the low-temperature preservation of humans and animals who can no longer be sustained by contemporary medicine, with the hope that healing and resuscitation may be possible in the future.
FACT: In 2006, a forty-one-year-old British woman married what she called "the love of my life": a male dolphin names Cindy. The woman had met Cindy fifteen years before and sait it was "love at first sight."
FACT: To fight loneliness, one Navy wife in Georgia purchased a mannequin dressed like a sailor in 2005 to stand in for her husband, who was serving at sea. The woman takes the mannequin to dinner, movies, and shopping.
FACT: The Bible is the most shoplifted book.
                                                                    At least the right people are getting it.
FACT: If you sneeze hard enough, you can fracture a rib. But try to suppress a sneeze and you might rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and drop dead.
FACT: The acid in your stomach is so powerful that it can dissolve a razor blade in less than a week.
                                                            You should still be careful when eating them, though.
FACT: You can find 20 million microscopic animals living on a square inch of human skin.
FACT: There are over 700 species of bacteria that thrive in the thirty-three square inches of the average mouth, making it the most unsanitary part of your entire body.
FACT: Less sleep disturbs normal metabolism which contributes to obesity, diabetes, and cardio-vascular disease. People who averaged just five hours of sleep a night also showed a higher level of ghrelin, a hormone the stomach releases to signal hunger.
FACT: Your body produces enough saliva during your lifetime to fill two swimming pools.
                         Luckily, most swimming pools are already filled with saliva, so yours isn't needed.
FACT: The average human loses 85,000 brain cells each day, but only regenerates 50 new ones.
FACT: It is illegal for an unmarried woman to parachute in Florida on Sundays; violators can be arrested. 
           As they should, From that altitude, Florida looks like a giant penis, and no unmarried  
                                                     woman should be looking at that, especially on the Lord's day.
FACT: Vermont women must get written permission from their husbands before they get false teeth.
FACT: In Britain, placing a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down is considered treason.
FACT: Masturbation is an offense punishable by decapitation in Indonesia.
FACT: Male doctors in Bahrain are not legally permitted to look directly at a woman's genitals: they may only examine them with a mirror.
FACT: In Lebanon, men are permitted to have sexual intercourse with an animal, but only if it is a female. Sex with a male animal is punishable by death.
The End.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A dream come true: Photoshop

And God created  Man and Woman....

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
or in Photoshop?

You can make another you, a Dream You, at least in the digital world. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Facts that will scare the shit out of you (Part 2)

Facts that will scare the shit out of you (Part 2)

The following facts come from a book called "1,001 facts that will scare the shit out of you".
This is a book of scary facts, and the more you read, the more afraid you are likely to be. But if forewarned is forearmed, then the more you know, the safer you'll feel, even if it's a false sense of security since you can't do a thing about most of what you read here. But who cares, as long as you feel better?

FACT: Most wines are made from grapes harvested by machines that scythe through everything in their path, including sticks, insects, rodents, and even larger m:ammals, which can make their way into the end product. This is known to wine growers as MOG, or "material other than grapes."

FACT: Peaches, apples, nectarines, and strawberries are among the top 6 "dirtiest" foods, according to investigations by the Environmental Working Group. More than 90 percent of samples of these fruits tested positive for detectable pesticides, even after rinsed or peeled.

FACT: The well-known poison arsenic is approved by the FDA as an additive to poultry feed and given to at least 70 percent of chickens raised for consumption in the USA. Arsenic has been linked to cancer, birth defect, diabetes, and death.

FACT: Though banned by all the European nations and Canada, the synthetic hormone rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) is still used American dairy farmers to boost growth rates and increase body mass of cows, despite being linked to the higher risks of breast cancer and hormonal disorders in humans who consume milk from those cows.

FACT: Six-year-old Bennett Christiansen made headlines in 2008 when he was approved for his first credit card. Bank of America gave Christiansen a $600 credit limit even after he gave his actual birth date and listed his income truthfully as "$0" on the card application.

FACT: A man nearly died at an airport security checkpoint in Nuremberg in 2007 after drinking a full liter of vodka rather than surrendering it before taking his flight. The man became severely impaired and had to be taken to a hospital and treated for alcohol poisoning.

FACT: In 2007 a British climber reached the summit of Mt. Everest, but ran out of air during his descent. As many as forty climbers passed the dying man, unwilling to risk using up their own oxygen to help kim.

to be continued......

Monday, March 5, 2012

Some inspiring words

Some inspiring words that touched my heart on this Sunday.

- Only God knows how our lives will unfold. Hope is His gift to us, a window to look through.

- God speaks to us in many ways.
- FAITH =Full Assurance In The Heart

- FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

- You can never change your past, but you can change your future!

- You may have absolutely no control over what happens to you but you can control how you respond. In other words, there are two major types of changes that tend to challenge us and disrupt our day-to-day lives. The first happens to us. The second happens within us. We can't control the first, but we can and should control the second.

- Medical research has shown that harboring anger and resentment for long periods causes physical and psychological stress that weakens your immune system and breaks down your vital organs.
(I know from experience this is true. Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed lymphoma stage 4. I fought and won the battle against cancer with a little help from our friend above....A little help? This is an understatement of course!)

The 84th Academy Awards

The 84th Academy Awards for the Best Picture went to "The Artist".

That is really a heartmoving movie even though it is speechless...

What a record! Considering it is a movie produced by a French director, with a French actor in a leading role. Jean Dujardin won the Oscar for the Best Actor in a Leading role, on top of that.
The producer of the movie was smart enough to shoot the movie in the USA with a French and American cast since the story takes place in Hollywood between 1927 and 1932.

And you know what?
This movie was produced in only 35 days with a total miserable budget of about 20 million dollars....Talent is recognized no matter what. Cheers!

So don't listen to those people who claim that the Korean movie industry is having difficulties because of lack of fund and that they cannot compete with big-budget Hollywood movies....

Absence of creativity, superb scenarios writers, mind-blowing movie directors, and visionary movie producers are the root of the problem in the Korean movie industry.
