Monday, April 25, 2011

Katy Perry and the song that made her instantly famous worldwide

Raised by Christian pastor parents, this pin-up girl from California has made a worldwide sensation with her very not-so-christian song "I kissed a girl".

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lady GAGA and Sir Elton John

Lady Gaga....maybe the world most famous female singer-songwriter with definitely the most visually chocking stage performance. She has more than 30 million friends or fans on Facebook...and she is the Godmother of Sir Elton John's son. A perfect duo
mixing Gaga’s “Speechless” and Sir Elton’s “Your Song.” The number followed the very first song of the night “Poker Face" from Lady Gaga. Take the time to dowload it completly before playing the video in full screen 1080 HD format on youtube.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do you live a successful life, Sir ?

The recent series of suicides at KAIST have deeply shocked people including myself and today the pastor at my church (Somang Presbyterian Church) talked about success from a religious point of view.

So I felt like writing a few words about success based on past readings. I basically think people commit suicide because, first, love is missing terribly in their lives, second, because they have a distorted notion of happiness and success. You can be happy without being successful but that, I will explain it in a future post of my blog.

Success is...

Success is closing the door to your office at the end of the day with a smile of satisfied contentment crossing your face. It’s knowing that you did a good job and that those you interacted with you had a positive experience.

Success is looking forward to getting home and seeing the people you love.  Success is being loved by the people you love.

Success is sitting down to pay the bills and knowing that you have enough money to cover them this month and next month. It’s knowing you have taken measures to ensure the financial security of your family in the event of your demise.

Success is knowing where to turn when it seems that there’s nowhere to turn. Having a spiritual life is akin to eating food and drinking water. It’s necessary!

Success is having interests or hobbies to call your own. It’s things that you personally anticipates doing again and again. Having interests gives you joy and peace.

Success is waking up in the morning and feeling good. It’s knowing that you eat right and exercise regularly and that you do everything you personally can to ensure continued good health

Success is turning out the lights, slipping under the covers, and thinking to yourself, “It just doesn’t get much better than this!”

Success isn’t...

Success isn’t calling home from work for the fourth time this week, apologizing because you’re going to miss dinner with the family again.

Success isn’t hurrying into the house and hiding behind closed doors or the television set because “after the day I’ve had, I need my space!”

Success isn’t having all the riches in the world and still trying to figure out how to have more of all the riches in the world.

Success isn’t physically going to worship service and mentally writing a to-do list for when you get home

Success isn’t all work and no play

Success isn’t to explain why you have to miss your child’s school play and why you just don’t find any joy in living.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

!!!!!!! Simple Core Facts about Whisky !!!!!!

Whisky is the term used in connection with a broad category of alcoholic beverages that are made through distillation of fermented grain mash (barley, malted barley, rye, malted rye, wheat, and maize), which is then aged in wooden casks, made generally of white oak.
There are five basic classifications of whisky - Irish Whisky, Scotch Whisky, Bourbon, Canadian Whisky and American Whisky. The beverage is consumed across the world, though in different forms. For example, Scotts prefer their own Scotch whisky, while Americans love their Bourbon. Whatever be the form, the beverage named whisky is loved by people of all countries.

Here are some interesting facts about whisky for your knowing pleasure.
1. Whiskey or whisky is an anglicization of a Goidelic name literally meaning "water of life".  It means the same thing as the Latin aqua vītae, which had been applied to distilled drinks since the early 14th century. The term “water of life” brings more meaning the older the whisky is. For example, a 21 years old whisky will bring more life to our body than a 12 years old whisky. Drink a few glasses of a 30 years old whisky and you will notice an unusual physical difference the next morning when you wake up (I am addressing to the male population)....if you know what I mean
2. The spelling whisky (and plural whiskies) is generally used in Canada, Japan, Scotland, and Wales, while whiskey (and plural whiskeys) is more common in Ireland and the United States.
3. Single Malt Whisky comes from a single distillery and a single grain. Pure malt whisky is produced only from malted barley. However, it is possible that it underwent maturing in multiple casks. There are more than 5000 types of Single Malt Whisky. Around 90 percent of Single Malt Whisky comes from Scotland.
4. Blended whiskies are typically made from a mixture of malt and grain whiskies — often along with neutral spirits, caramel and flavouring. A blend is usually from many distilleries so that the blender can produce a flavour consistent with the brand, and the brand name (e.g., Chivas Regal, Canadian Club) will usually not therefore contain the name of a distillery. Blended Scotch Whisky, believe it or not, constitutes about 90% of Scotland’s whisky output. 
5. There is a dispute between the Irish and the Scotts, as to who were the first to make whisky.
6. The dark color of whisky comes from the wooden barrels in which it is aged. The wood expands and contracts with the change in temperature, making the movie in and out of the wood. The compounds from wood give whisky its dark color.
7. A whisky stops maturing after it is bottled. A closed bottle of whisky can be kept for more than 100 years and it will still be good to drink. After opening, a half-full bottle of whisky will remain good for five years.
8. Blended whiskies are universally inferior to Single Malt whiskies? Single Malts are premium by selection. The distillery uses the best of the breed to produce their single malts, knowing that they will be the most profitable and scrutinized. Blends also give the brand or distillery a chance to reduce flaws and enhance flavors through careful mixing, something that isn’t an easy thing to do in single malts. So in this sense, Singles have a clear advantage over the bottom shelf mixers that are titles “Blends”.

My Whisky Philosophy
I have drunk many types of blended whiskies and single malt whiskies over many years… Concerning blended whiskies, whether it is a Ballantine’s, Chivas Regal, Johnny Walker, or even Royal Salute, I have come to very simple astonishing conclusion, but again that’s just how my palate feels:  they taste all the same ! Unless they are at least 21 years old. 30 years or older taste distinctively different and smoother. One exception would be Johnny Walker Blue which has a really good oak tree wood flavor.
Concerning Single Malt Whiskies, taste is distinctively different, whether it is a Maccalan, Glenfiddich, The Balvenie, Glenmorangie, or Laphroaig, whatever their age. So if you really want to drink a unique Scotch whisky, choose a Single Malt, choose a Macallan. And drink it straight, please. No water nor ice.
Cheers !!!


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Boracay Island in the Philippines...The best white beach I have ever seen

Last week, I went to Boracay Island with my wife and daughter (my son could not join us since he is studying in Philadelphia). The Koreans are the number tourist population (Koreans are really everywhere, not only as tourists but also operating many tourism-related businesses) in that tiny island with a superficy of about 2km x 7km...And it is the safest place in the Philippines which is a country considered unsafe for travel in general by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But definitely a paradise for scuba divers. I plan to go back for a more advanced scuba diving experience. 

Here is a 15 minutes video posted on youtube.