Saturday, December 4, 2010

South Korea's Hall of Fame and Shame

South Korea is the best and the first in the world in some fields but also the worse and the last in some others.

Here are some of its best and worse.....

- Fertility rate: the lowest in the world

- Divorce rate: the highest in the world

- Suicide rate: the highest in the world

- Money Saving rate: the lowest among OECD countries

- Internet penetration rate: the highest in the world
- Broadband internet penetration rate: the highest in the world
- Internet download speed: the highest in the world
- SMS finger writing speed: the quickest in the world 

first country in the world that created metal printing, about hundred
   years earlier  than Germany’s metal printing by Gutenberg (1440). 
  The National Library of France is in possession of a Korean book
   dated from 1377. 

to be continued...

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