Sunday, January 15, 2012

Facts that will scare the shit out of you

The following facts come from a book called "1,001 facts that will scare the shit out of you".
This is a book of scary facts, and the more you read, the more afraid you are likely to be. But if forewarned is forearmed, then the more you know, the safer you'll feel, even if it's a false sense of security since you can't do a thing about most of what you read here. But who cares, as long as you feel better?

FACT: According to government and industry estimates, almost 40 percent of bottled water is ordinary tap water, often with no additional treatment.

Additional treatment = changing out the lawn hose before filling a new batch.

FACT: Fining is a process used by most wineries to remove particles and impurities from wine. Typical fining agents include isingalss (a collagen from sturgeon bladders), gelatin and ox blood.

Whatever impirities are removed by fining, are they worse than fish urine, animal bones and ox blood?

to be continued...