Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo synthesis: how to make 3D 360 degrees photos at home

Check out the following site where you can make 3D 360 degrees photos....for free... in the comfort of your home. You surely have seen the application of this amazing program in CSI where the police try to reconstitute a crime scene by pasting all the photos from the digital cameras of the participants in a  party. Welcome to the 21st century.

Click the following link to see my study room in photosynth

Keep it simple and doable

If I read 10 pages of a book every day, which should take around 20-30 minutes, at the end of the year I will have read at leat 10 books. When was the last time you read more than 10 books a year?

By assuming 10 push-ups burns 2.5 calories, besides helping the formation of muscle mass, if I do 100 push-ups distributed in a day (let's say 20 push-ups 5 times a day), I will burn around 91,250 calories a year which roughly equivalent to not eating during 36 days..... Imagine your body...

Monday, February 21, 2011

BBC's nature documentary series "LIFE": a glimpse of God's work

I have recently started watching BBC's nature documentary series "LIFE" and I was literally blown out of my mind looking at the dazzling HD video footage. It is an extraordinary documentary showing the excellence of human efforts and the greatness of God's work. The documentary took four years in the making. Four years to broadcast 500 minutes of "Life" between October and December 2009. 

The first year of production was spent researching possible stories for the series. The Life team contacted scientists and experts around the world in search of new discoveries to film, and new approaches to familiar subjects. Nearly three years of filming followed, involving 150 shoots on all seven continents, many of them full-scale expeditions to remote wilderness areas.

My knowledge about the world's fauna is kind of limited. The life of an animal, whether it is a tiger, bird, insect or fish, is a repetition of three basic actions:

1. find or hunt to food
2. mate (by competing with other male adversaries or seducing the female)
3. stay alive all along by running away from predators.

But I did not know that a type of butterfly fly every year from Canada to Mexico to escape from winter. A journey of more than 5,000 km...

I did not know that some insects engaged in chemical warfare to kill their adversaries by releasing chemicals from their bodies towards their enemies.

I did not know that there was a type of fly that could walk under water and even breathe under water.

I did not know that some birds ate or rather swallowed bones from dead animals.

I did not know some insects die in the process of feeding their babies.

Once you start watching one of the ten "Life" series, I promise you, you won't move from your TV or computer screen for the next 50 minutes. BBC is no doubt the undisputed leader in nature documentary making. I mean, think about it. It took the life team 21 days (of waiting hidden in the dark) to shoot 3 seconds of a particular scene. I invite you to see the 'Life" serie "Birds" to discover what happens during those precious, never seen before 3 seconds.